When real life calls, be real

Today I’ve felt like doing nothing, I’ve been dragging myself around all day and nothing is filling me up.  Thankfully, I had to drag myself out of bed because I had 2 clients to see, otherwise I may have just stayed there all day and do you know that would have been the best medicine I could have prescribed myself.  Tomorrow I’ll give myself the pleasure of doing exactly that if I choose.

The reason for the heavy weight is because yesterday I was told that my gorgeous cat Mia, has probably got a tumour in her mouth.  After trying to fix it with anti-biotics, the lump is still there.  I am devastated to say the least.  Mia has been my girl for the last 12 years and has literally been my baby.  She’s been there through the good times and the bad times and she’s never let me down.  The thought of her not being around is so so painful and the couple of rivers I’ve cried proves it.

So why is this relevant to being a Full Woman?

A Full Woman knows when it’s necessary to express her emotions rather than stuffing them down.  When the vet told me her verdict, a little voice in my head said ‘don’t cry’ and I held it together, then another voice said ‘be positive, it could be ok’, so again I fought back the tears and took the stance of one who has a positive outlook on life.  I took Mia to the car, strapped her in, sat in the drivers seat and copped myself on.  I was up to my old tricks again, a behaviour I no longer wanted to partake in.

Within a millisecond I reverted back to the real me and let the emotion out.  I bawled and bawled and bawled, I felt like my heart was being wrenched out of me, like I was losing a child.  I know this could never compare but me and Mia have been through so much together, she may only be a cat but she is part of my family, part of me.  Crying those tears and allowing myself to truly express my emotions is of paramount importance because when emotions are suppressed they have to come out somehow and often in ways we wouldn’t expect.

After my Dad died, my Sister and I swore to silence.  We swore not to discuss what we’d experienced with anyone.  We did well, our lips were tightly sealed and the key was thrown away.  We never uttered a word and our true emotions stayed buried for years.  The repercussions of which haven’t been pretty. I would fly off the handle at anything, I was such high maintenance and boy my anger was very very scary at times.  I also suffered with years of severe pain, headaches, migraines, neck, shoulder and back tension and low immune system.  I was always sick with a cold, sinus infections, stomach bugs, you name it I would get it.

All that changed when I learned how to finally let my old emotions surface safely and in the long term manage any non-serving heightened or excessive emotions.  If I’d known back then what I know now, I could have saved myself years of medication and physical pain.  I will be forever grateful for being introduced to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).  Through EFT, I began to understand the power of our emotions, the effects they can have on us and how to let the old stuffed emotions out.  Before long my anger reduced significantly, it now takes me A LOT to let that big red monster out and I’ve managed to release 90% of the physical pain and illness – REMARKABLE.  I now use EFT and other cutting edge energy techniques with every client I have, mostly with remarkable results.

Becoming a Full Woman is all about being emotionally available and you can’t be that when you stuff emotions down or when they become excessive.  Yesterday it took me a few minutes before I practiced what I preach and that is simply, positive thinking is great and I recommend it to everyone, however, if it means that you stuff down what you are really feeling, it doesn’t matter how positive you try to be, those emotions will still be there brewing under the surface.

When real life calls, be real, it’s the only way to becoming a Full Woman.

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